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Current Projects

Tier 2 Math Interventions to Increase Math Fluency in Elementary Students


Timed tests often cause anxiety for learners, which can inhibit performance. However, research shows that building fluency with a skill is important in performing it automatically. Most fluency programs rely on times tests to evaluate acquisition. This study will compare timed and untimed testing, as well as written versus oral responding to assess which method provides the highest rate of acquisition. In addition, social validity questionnaires will assess the learner's preference as compared to the results. 


Identifying Prenumeracy Skill Deficits Using Assessments


Not all skills deficits are immediately apparent. This line of research aims to find effective strategies for school personnel to use that will quickly and effectively identify early numeracy skills deficits in learners with disabilities. 


Walden Two: an Introductory ABA Text?


Skinner's novel, Walden Two, is a non-academic way to describe the basic tenets of the science of behavior. This project reviewed Walden Two and compared references to the main concepts and vocabulary of several introductory Applied Behavior Analysis textbooks, looking for ways in which Skinner explained in plain terms his new science. 


Use of Procedural Fidelity in Clinical Settings


We are examining the use of procedural fidelity checks in clinical settings. Procedural fidelity is often reported in applied research but not always in non-research, clinical settings. The survey results will guide some recommendations for practitioners. 


Matrix Training for Acquisition of Tacts Using iPads


Matrix training teaches a set of two-component phrases (descriptor/object) and examines the generalization of the descriptors to other objects. This procedure has been effective in advancing language for learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This project adds a Receptive Identification procedure to determine its effect on acquisition of the two-component phrases. The material will be presented using iPads rather than the typical picture cards as a test of the efficacy of this delivery method.


Teaching Prenumeracy Mathematics Using Video Modeling


My ongoing research projects aim to determine effective teaching strategies for learners with disabilities to provide mathematics instruction, focusing on early numeracy skills as the building blocks for higher mathematics functions. This involves the use of video-based technologies delivered using handheld devices. The goal it to identify Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions for Response To Intervention strategies.

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