CREATE Lab: Culturally Responsive Early Numeracy Mathematics Lab
Dueker, S. A. & Grande, J. D. (2024). Diagnosis, remediation, and error correction for mathematics: How to teach pre-service teachers. Journal of Special Education Preparation.
Peltier, C. and Dueker, S. A. (2024). Quality Mathematics Interventions for Elementary Students. In P. Willamson and B. Hott (Eds.), Quality Instruction and Intervention: Strategies for Elementary Educators. Rowman & Littlefield.
Dueker, S. A. & Desai, V. (2023). Assessing the use of treatment fidelity checks in clinical practice: a survey and analysis. Education and Treatment of Children.
Dueker, S. A. & Chitiyo, A. (2022). Creating culturally relevant mathematics word problems across the MTSS spectrum. In W. C. Hunter, J. C. Taylor, and L. A. Scott (Eds.), The Mixtape Volume 1: Culturally Sustaining Practices within MTSS featuring the Everlasting Mission of Student Engagement. (Ch. 15). Council for Exceptional Children: Reston, VA.
Dueker, S.A. & Desai, V. (2022). Considerations for Using Virtual Manipulatives & an Explicit Instruction Format in a Virtual Learning Environment. Thresholds in Education. 45(1). 85-102.
Brock, M. E., Dueker, S. A., & Barczak, M. A. (2021). Effects of delayed video-based feedback and observing feedback on paraprofessional implementation of evidence-based practices for students with severe disabilities. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 44(3). 206–220.
Dueker, S. A. & Day, J. M. (2020). Using standardized assessment to identify and teach prerequisite numeracy skills to learners with disabilities using video modeling. Psychology in the Schools.
Brock, M. E., Barczak, M. A., & Dueker, S. A. (2020). A randomized evaluation of group training for paraprofessionals to implement systematic instruction strategies with students with severe disabilities. Teacher Education and Special Education. 0888406420923769
Brock, M. E., Dynia, J. M., Dueker, S. A., & Barczak, M. A. (2020). Teacher-reported priorities and practices for students with autism: characterizing the research-to-practice gap. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 35(2), 67-78.
Cannella-Malone, H. I., Dueker, S. A., Barczak, M. A., & Brock, M. E. (2019). Teaching academic skills to students with significant intellectual disabilities: A systematic review of the single-case design literature. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 1744629519895387.
Dueker, S. A. and Cannella-Malone, H. I. (2019) Teaching addition to learners with moderate disabilities using video prompting. Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship. 8(2). 1-20.
Brock, M. E., Dueker, S. A., & Barczak, M. A. (2018). Brief Report: Improving social outcomes for students with autism at recess through peer-mediated pivotal response training. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 48(6). 2224-2230. DOI:10.1007/s10803-017-3435-3
Seaman, R. L., Cannella-Malone, H. I., & Brock, M. E., Dueker, S. A. (2018). Efficacy of paraprofessional-implemented video prompting to teach vocational skills to students with autism spectrum disorder. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. 41(2). 68-76. DOI:10.1177/2165143417708191.
Brock, M. E., Cannella-Malone, H. I., Seaman, R. L., Andzik, N. R., Schaefer, J. M., Page., E. J., Barczak, M., & Dueker, S. A. (2017). Findings across practitioner training studies in special education: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis. Exceptional Children. 84(1). 7-26. DOI:10.1177/0014402917698008.
Dueker, S., Hawk, N., Nelson, J. L., Nelson, M. J., Walterbusch, T., & Wargelin, L. A. (Eds.). Aras, A., Ayoub, S. S., Bhaktha, N., Brady, A. C., Bussell, K., Dueker, S., Hall, S., Ham, M., Hawk, N., Jenkins, B. R., Kearney, R. C., Kim, Y., Kulesza, A. E., Kuznetcova, I., Lo, M., Mayo, J. W., Mulyadin, T., Nelson, J. L., Nelson, M. J., Paulson, J. L., Rivera, M. D., Robinson, S., Shi, Y., Tiba, E., Tornwall, J., Van Jura, M. J., Walterbusch, T., Wargelin, L. A., & Zhao, K. (2017). Educational inequality in Ohio, 2016-17 (Research Methodology Center White Paper No. 1). Retrieved from
In Press
Hansford, N., Dueker, S. A., King, J., Grande, J. D., McGlynn, S., & Garforth, K. C. (2024). Reading Recovery: A longitudinal meta-analysis. Manuscript accepted for publication in Discover Education.
Zoder-Martell, K. A., Sciuchetti, M. B., Dueker, S. A., Sass, K., Pellegrino, A. J., & Fields, A. (2024). Improving oral reading fluency in students with Autism Spectrum Disorder through individualized academic interventions. Manuscript submitted for publication in Journal of Behavioral Education.
Hansford, N., King, J., Dueker, S. A., McGlynn, S., Garforth, K. C., & Brown, E. (2024), “Structured Literacy” compared to “balanced literacy”: A large-scale meta-analysis. Manuscript submitted for publication in Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal.
In Preparation
Dueker, S. A., Grande, J. D., & Desai, V. (2024). Skinner’s Walden Two: An examination of the novel as an introductory behavior analytic text. Manuscript in preparation.
Dueker, S. A., Zoder-Martell, K., Grande, J. D., & Pellegrino, A. J. (2024) Tier 2 math interventions to increase math fluency in elementary students. Manuscript in preparation.
Weintraub, D. R., Dogan, R. K, & Dueker, S. A. (2023). Mask wearing during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affects the special needs community. Manuscript submitted for publication in Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth.
Dueker, S. A. & Desai, V. (2022). Using matrix training delivered via iPad to generalize additional descriptors for tacts in preschool children with ASD. Manuscript submitted for publication to Journal of Special Education Technology.
Dueker, S. A. and Cannella-Malone, H. I. Comparing video prompting against most-to-least prompting to teach two personal care skills. Manuscript in preparation.